As promised, here is the February Bullet Journal Spread!
In this spread, I decided to combine my sleep log with my welcome and this month's calendar. I got a lot fancier with my design and used a combination of lettering and print to spice up the pages headers. I used a dual tipped brush marker as well as a regular ball point black pen to achieve the different effects. I used to be really hesitant about using markers in my journals because so often the color can run through to the next pages and distract from the design, or even confuse me as I create the pages. But I was able to find a notebook, "Exceed", that had thicker pages and a marker set that didn't bleed through the pages. Since then, I have gotten a bit bolder with my incorporation of colors to the design. I also was inspired by this pattern of washi tape and found a way to include it in the design of both the month and the week spread for February.
And here is the weekly spread. As you can see the washi tape is also used for accent on these pages. I used the same combination of dual tipped pen brush and ball point pen as I did on the previous pages. I am a big fan of lists and crossing things off once they have been completed so my weekly spreads often look as though they were completely scratched out like this.
As always, if you have questions or comments feel free to reach out to me via the home page or directly on this post! Happy Monday!